Click here to complete your 2024 crofting Annual Notice 

The Crofting Commission regulates
and promotes the interests of crofting in Scotland
to secure the future of crofting.


Croft tourism is one of the more popular forms of croft diversification. Tourism is generally an acceptable diversification of crofting.

Crofts and their use are regulated by the Crofting Commission and there are certain duties which must be undertaken.

Crofters' Duties:

  • ordinarily resident on, or within 32 kilometres of, the croft
  • must not misuse or neglect the croft
  • must cultivate the croft or put it to another purposeful use

Definition of Purposeful Use:

‘Purposeful use’ as mentioned above, is ‘any planned or managed use of croft land, which does not adversely affect the croft, the public interest, the interests of the landlord or owner, or the use of adjacent land’.   Tourism would generally fall within this definition.

Purposeful use requires the written permission of the Landlord. If the Landlord refuses permission, then a regulatory application for ‘Another Purposeful Use’ can be submitted to the Commission - Find an application form | Crofting Commission (

Tourism Diversification:

If you are considering putting a structure, like a pod, on your croft, you should consult the planning department of the Local Authority in your area. The planners will provide advice and guidance on all aspects of planning requirements for tourism developments.

For a list of Local Authorities, click on the link below to 'Planning Considerations'.

Location of Tourism Structure:

The location of your tourism structure should take into account the recommendations of the Commission's 'key considerations for planning', which can be found on the webpage 'Planning Considerations' (link below). 

The 'Conditions of Tenure' (also known as Schedule 2 conditions) should also be considered. Information about the Conditions of Tenure can be found by clicking this link Planning Considerations 

Organisations which support tourism & agritourism:

 Go Rural A community of Scotland’s farmers and crofters, passionate about producing the highest quality food and drink, and committed to caring for the environment and protecting Scotland’s landscapes for everyone to enjoy responsibly.
Scottish AgritourismThe official organisation for the agritourism sector in Scotland. 'Agritourism' is defined as 'tourism or leisure on a working farm, croft or estate which produces food' 
Visit ScotlandScotland's National Tourism Organisation
Business Gateway: Access to free business support across Scotland

The Crofting Commission recommends that legal advice should be sought before commencing a project.

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