Crofting legislation provides for Grazings Committees to either amend their existing regulations or make new regulations to assist in the proper management and administration of their Common Grazings.
The Crofting Commission has approved a Common Grazings Regulations template which is now available for Grazings Committees to adopt, copy below.
Whilst it is not mandatory for Committees to amend their Grazings regulations or adopt the new template, the Commission would recommend Committees meet to discuss and review their current regulations to determine if they meet their requirements.
Any amendments or adoption of the new grazing regulations should be highlighted within the template and then submitted to the Commission who will carry out appropriate checks and liaise with Committees to ensure the amendments, or requests for local arrangements, are in line with the Crofters (Scotland) Act 1993. The Commission will also consult with the owner of the Common Grazings.