The Crofting Commission has today, Wednesday 6th of April, 2022, warmly welcomed the announcement that their budget will be increased by £700k from the Scottish Government.
Of this potential £700k increase, an estimated £140k is required to cover wage and other inflation, net of planned efficiency savings. This will leave up to £560k available for increases in staffing across vital roles within the Crofting Commission.
Speaking today, Malcolm Mathieson, Convener of the Crofting Commission said:
“The Commission’s Board and management wish to grasp the opportunity to make demonstrable, measurable improvements in the following priority areas, all of which have been the subject of recent discussions between the Convener, the Board and the Cabinet Secretary:
In order to fully support the remote rural economy and the vital role that Crofting plays within it; it was absolutely essential for us as a Commission to see this increase in funding.
We can now put into action the plans and aspirations we have; real progress must be made, and soon, to take proactive and positive steps to preserve and promote this unique form of land tenure. Today’s announcement is not only a reaffirmation of support for the Crofting Commission from Government, but recognition that with proper resourcing and funding our regulatory body will be able to efficiently serve and regulate the Crofting sector.
Adding to Malcolm’s comments; Bill Barron, Chief Executive of the Crofting Commission said:
“I am absolutely delighted that this announcement that our funding has been increased has been made.
We are well prepared to put our additional funding to good use. In order to achieve the strategic goals that have been set out by our Board, the Commission wishes to expand its staffing in the following 7 ways.
We have already begun the process of employing more staff across the Commission, many of whom are now based remotely throughout the Crofting Counties.