A number of regulatory applications types require public notification, this is normally done by a notice intimating the application being placed in a paper which circulates in the district which the croft or common grazing relates to.To find the approved local paper in your area please visit our advertising guidance section of our website.
Applications received can also be seen here: Applications and Notifications Received | Crofting Commission(scotland.gov.uk).
Within 28 days of this notice being advertised any member of the crofting community(Definition below) in the locality of that land or any other person the Commission consider has a relevant interest in the application, may submit an objection or comment as regards the application to the Commission. Please note that objections cannot be accepted anonymously .
"Crofting Community" means all the persons who (either or both) -- (a) occupy crofts within a township which consists of two or more crofts registered with the Crofting Commission; (b) hold shares in a common grazing associated with that township