Several of our application types need to be accompanied by a map. Below are the basic specifications all maps should meet to allow us to process them.
Map Requirements
- The map must be provided on Ordnance Survey Mastermap backdrop showing sufficient surrounding details.
- The map should be at an appropriate scale ensuring the details can be clearly interpreted.
- All areas and boundaries should be clearly described/labelled
- Vehicle access should be clearly shown.
- The extent of any proposed area to be decrofted/apportioned etc should be clearly stated in hectares to 3 decimal places.
- Dimensions for each boundary should be provided in meters, to 1 decimal point.
- Map Coordinates should be provided for the the middle of the site. (Eastings & Northings or a six figure national grid format)
- The map should include a scale bar and a North Arrow.
Please note that if the croft is already registered it is essential that the map provided to us matches the map on the Crofting Register.
Below are some example maps for our different application types which meet our requirements
Decrofting Example Map
Division Example Map
Apportionment Example Map