The Crofting Commission regulates
and promotes the interests of crofting in Scotland
to secure the future of crofting.

Facts & Figures

Crofting makes a valuable contribution to the economic and social development of Scotland. 

2020/21 Crofting Statistics

There are 21,186 crofts entered on the Commission’s Register of Crofts (ROC) of which 15,137 are tenanted and the remainder are owned. When a crofter purchases their croft land and the grazings shares pertaining to that croft remain held in tenancy, the shares are “deemed” to be a tenanted croft in their own right, and as such have a separate entry in the ROC.  You can check the details of a croft through our ROC Online

Crofts 2020/21

Read the full set of our crofting stats for 2020/21.

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