Crofting Consultation 2024 open until the 2nd of September: have your say and help shape crofting law. Click here to find our more.

Tha Coimisean na Croitearachd a' riaghladh
agus ag adhartachadh mathas croitearachd ann an Alba
gus croitearachd a dhèanamh tèarainte san àm ri teachd.

Croft Registration

The Crofting Reform (Scotland) Act 2010 (“the 2010 Act”) requires the Keeper of the Registers of Scotland to establish and maintain a free to search, public register of crofts, common grazings and land held runrig.

Registration of a croft in the Crofting Register is required on certain ‘trigger events’ listed here .

How are Landlords notified?  Notified by Registers of Scotland by post upon first registration and of any subsequent event effecting registered area.

Landlord input: Area registered can be viewed on Registers of Scotland online and there is a 9 month challenge period from the date of registration.

NOTE -Any new crofting Landlord will be required to update the Crofting Register for each registered croft and common grazing on the land they have acquired, at a fee of £90 per croft/common grazing.  However, if the croft or common grazing is not registered, the change of landlord is not a trigger for registering the croft.

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