The Crofting Commission regulates
and promotes the interests of crofting in Scotland
to secure the future of crofting.

Financial Management

Section 31 (1) of the Public Services Reform (Scotland) 2010 Act requires public bodies to publish, as soon as is reasonably practical after the end of each financial year, a statement of any expenditure they have incurred during that financial year on or in connection with the following matters:

  • Public Relations
  • Overseas Travel
  • Hospitality and Entertainment
  • External Consultancy

In an effort to be as transparent as possible the Crofting Commission has undertaken to publish and update expenditure within these categories on a regular basis, details can be found below.

The Crofting Commission Annual Accounts can be found in our Annual Report.

The Crofting Commission will also publish transaction data of its electronic Purchasing Card spend of £500 and over on a monthly (retrospective) basis in line with the Scottish Government commitment to do so. Details of this spend can be found below.

The Framework document which been drawn up by the Scottish Government (SG) in consultation with the Crofting Commission, sets out the broad framework within which the Crofting Commission will operate and defines key roles and responsibilities which underpin the relationship between the Crofting Commission and the SG. A copy of the Framework document can be found at

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